

If you want to send Kailey a letter while she is in the MTC, dearelder.com is the fastest and least expensive way to do it. Just log on to dearelder.com and request MTC delivery. She will receive it the same day that you send it if it is submitted before noon. Her Address is: Hermana Battaglia, MTC Mailbox #344, GUA-QUE 0719, 2005 N 900 E, Provo, Ut 84604. Her estimated departure date is July 19th. Use this info to fill in the blanks on dearelder.com. She would love to hear from you! I also found out that the UPS stores have daily delivery to the MTC. Get your package there by 1:00pm and they will deliver it the same day, and on Fridays, its FREE! (free at the UPS store by Macy's in Pleasant Grove)

La Primera Semana

Hola familia!!!
So my P day is actually going to be on thursdays but this week since it's all different for the new missionaries we got to get on today! I am absolutely loving the MTC!!! Yesterday I got tested out of the beginning Spanish class and am now in intermediate! It's awesome but it meant that I got switched out of my district so i switched classrooms, bedrooms, and companions. I wrote a letter that should get there by Monday if its not there yet but Hermana Nelson is no longer my companion. I am with Hermana Martino now, who I absolutely love! I don't think we've been together even 24 hours yet but i love her and we are already a great companionship, i can tell. We had to teach the first lesson yesterday and again today and we did really well i think. Monday we go to the TRC to get real investigators to teach which will be a challenge but will be so much fun! Hma Martino totally reminds me of Holly Aldred in the way she looks and talks and it is a lot of fun.
I am busy allll of the time I can't believe how much we do and get done in one day but i still can't find enough time to get all the stuff we're supposed to do done!! I'm going to be good at managing minutes by the end of these three weeks here. It was especially crazy trying to find time to repack and move yesterday... Luckily some awesome sisters helped. My Spanish is improving a lot i think... I can pray and bear my testimony and can understand almost all of what people say to me. I'm excited to start learning the lessons in Spanish. right now we're just getting to know them in english so we understand them better. Well i don't have much time i have to finish reading the handbook before tomorrow so i don't break anymore rules on accident and i'm supposed to be in class in 10 minutes... but send me a letter on DearElder! They print out the mail and deliver it same day so that i don't have to spend my precious 30 short minutes on email reading the letter, just responding. Tell everyone to do that if they wanna write me while i'm here. It's like Christmas to get mail :) k everyone. i love you so much!! I miss you but I'm exactly where i'm supposed to be and i'm so happy to be serving the Lord. be good!
Hermana Battaglia