
Trabajar en La Viña del Señor

Today is another P-day already and it's crazy how fast the time is passing. It feels like I was just writing you guys yesterday. Its been a really good week! Rainy season is officially here and every afternoon it POURS like you wouldn't believe. You´d think that since they have a rainy season like this every year they´d build houses a little more leak proof, but every night our house is full of puddles. It just adds to the adventure!

I´m a little bit nervous for today because the past 2 Mondays have been fiasco's. The first Monday I spent washing clothes but all my whites got stained blue by the detergent! That was when Hermana Lucha realized that she had bought dish-washing detergent instead of laundry detergent! So I spent the next couple of hours washing out the stains until my knuckles were all raw and bloody but alas, my whites are white again! Then, last Monday I bought a ton of fruits and veggies for the week and spent a good hour washing it all, chopping it, and making this beautiful fruit salad. I bought a big Tupperware and filled it up but as I was putting it in the fridge the lid caved in and ALL the fruit spilled all over the floor. It was so horrible I almost cried. I am nervous now for what misfortune might lie in my path today!

Last Monday we got to go visit some sweet Mayan ruins! That was a lot of fun... they were smaller than I expected but it was still really cool to see. I climbed all over them and got rid of some of my pent up energy. I wish we had a bike mission! But then again, I would probably die between the insane traffic and the horrible roads. Plus our area is super tiny. It's the smallest area in the whole mission! I´ll probably go crazy since we only have like 4 streets in our entire area ha-ha.

I am starting an English class that I will teach every Tuesday. Last week only 1 person showed up but they announced it better in church this week so hopefully we will have a better turn out this time. The only problem is that I don't exactly know how to teach English. Thank goodness they won't understand enough to know any better!

So let me tell you about Alexis. I might have mentioned him before (his"wife" looks like Dobby from Harry Potter. I say wife loosely because they are not married yet. That seems to be a common theme here. I will probably be planning and attending as many weddings as I do baptisms)! He´s our golden investigator. Seriously, he is a different person than the man I met less than 3 weeks ago. He started drinking when he was 14 and has the craziest life story I have ever heard. He´s been homeless, in jail, in gangs, a drug addict, and everything in between. We were really relieved when we found out he hadn't killed anyone! (Seriously!)  I don't know what's different this time because he has met with missionaries lots of times before but always turned them away. Now every time we go to his house he´s reading the book of Mormon or if he´s not at home his "wife" says he´s gone to the park or somewhere with his book of Mormon and a sucker (he sucks a sucker whenever he´s craving alcohol). He willingly accepts every commitment and has been working hard to get his wedding together before this Saturday. They are getting married in the morning and then he´s going to go straight over to get baptized! I don't think I could ask for a better first baptism. I can´t wait for this Saturday! 

Last night we met with him and he told us this crazy story. He said years ago one of his friends died. This friend had a metal plate in his leg that cost a fortune. Well, Alexis and his friends decided that this friend of their's probably didn't need that metal plate in the next life, so guess what they did? That's right. They dug up that friends grave and stole his femur that had the plate attached to it. He said they spent a while trying to break the bone and get it off and then they spent the next couple of weeks trying to sell the plate but nobody would buy it because it had already been used. Go figure right??  He said that his dead friend haunted him for weeks after that. Aw man I love this guy, he´s hilarious. I can't wait for this Saturday. We are going to go find a tie today to give him for a baptism present. 

I can´t wait to have more adventures this week! Don't forget that reading the book of Mormon is the key to having a good day and to having a testimony of the gospel. It's easy to see the difference between somebody who is ready for the gospel and somebody who´s not. The key is if they are reading and praying! 

Well,  my time is up but I hope everyone´s first week of school was great! I´d love to hear all about it! 
I love you all!

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