
Presidential Elections

My companion was sick again for a few days this week (she says I'm her curse) and yesterday was Presidential Elections so we had to stay inside for 3 days this week. The other days that we did get to go out were really, really good!

On Tuesday we were out in the pouring rain trying to find a reference. There's no such thing as street addresses here, people just give general directions and house descriptions. So we were in this major rain storm trying to find the right green house and almost got struck by lightning! Sparks flew out of all the power lines in front of us and everything. The reference we had was for an old man named Sergio who is the only member in his family. He just had surgery and is very ill with Parkinsons disease. He isn't supposed to live much longer so we wanted to visit him. A lady was standing in her doorway so we asked her if she knew where Sergio lived and she said he was her dad. She invited us in to get out of the rain for a minute, but made sure to let us know she was Catholic on our way in. We sat down for a minute and she started telling us about her dad and how her family had been having a really rough time seeing their dad suffer in so much pain. We asked if we could share a scripture that might give her some comfort and she said yes. Hermana Lucha and I both felt impressed to share Doctrine and Covenants section 122 with her when Joseph Smith was in prison. We don't usually introduce the Doctrine and Covenants until we are teaching about the commandments in the 4th or 5th lesson, but Hermana Lucha and I both felt like this was what we were supposed to share. We explained in about 15 seconds who Joseph Smith was and that this was a revelation he received when he was in prison. We just went with the spirit. She started crying and said she felt a great peace come into her heart. It was a really cool experience. We left a Book of Mormon with her which she said she was going to read to her dad and we have an appointment to go back over tomorrow.

On Friday we had Zone Conference which was really good! I love President Bautista! He is such a great man and I know he receives revelation for this mission. We set some new goals and he gave us some new teaching ideas that we are putting into practice. We can already see a difference in the work.

After zone conference we stopped by to meet with Sergio and his wife let us in. She is a strict Catholic and had never let the missionaries in the house before even though her husband is a member. But this time for some reason she let us in and let us teach a lesson. She felt the spirit and said she would think about everything we taught her. A huge step from not letting the missionaries in her house before! I think she is more open and humble because her husband is in such bad shape. He really is on the edge of death. He can't move or talk and just shakes, cries and moans from the Parkinsons. She's not in very good shape either.

Anyhow its been a really good week! At least the days we got to go out. :) The other days I just cooked food and ate a lot. Try arroz con leche! Make rice with cinnamon and a little sugar till its mushy, then add a bunch of milk and make a hot drink out of it!! It's delicious. I love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading Kailey's letters. She seems to be loving her mission!!!!! I am so happy for her. I'll try to stop by again in the future so see her progress. We love you Kailey,

    The Nichols Family
