
You will be able to walk where others will not, as you walk with the intent to do good

This past week has been INSANE!!!!! Let me tell you about the bummers, the miracles, and the hilarious experiences of this past week. You´re going to have to try to imagine them as I do my best to convey the unrealness of it all haha. 
So first the major bummer this week... We had everything planned and figured out and Carmen was going to get baptized on Saturday! She´s been golden since day 1 and everything was going to be awesome. We got permission to baptize her even though she´s only been to church once because she was out of town for the holidays so couldn't go the last 2, but she's been to every activity, and loves and accepts everything about the gospel. Well we met with her a few times during the week and everything was just dandy, met with her Friday night and it was all still perfect. Then Saturday morning, we got a phone call from her. Her parents i guess freaked out about the baptism that morning and wouldn't let her leave the house that night to be baptized. She's 18, but she lives at home, and her parents still have a pretty big say in her life. It was super lame. We visited her that night and found out that her dad is actually a member of the church, he just hasn't been active in like 25 years or so. Carmen is super bummed and she's gonna keep trying, but they didnt let her go to church yesterday either. We´re praying that the lord will soften her parents hearts. I´m sure he will its just a matter of time and lots of prayer!
OK now the ridiculous events of Saturday. Saturday morning at 10 we had a cita with Walter, the less active alcoholic. He's the one who we sang christmas songs with while we cleaned his house while he was wasted on christmas.... ok well he's been sober for 2 weeks! We've been trying to meet with him a lot to help him stay strong and keep going sober. Saturday morning we were supposed to meet with him at 10, but right before we got news about this stuff with Carmens parents so we had to figure out a bunch of stuff really fast. We called Lucy, walters super old decrepit little mother, and tell her that we´re going to be late but that we´re still coming. We get there at about 11 and Lucy is sitting outside and says that Walter left about 1 minute before we got there to go to the cantina, or bar, a couple streets over. We turn and go booking it to try and head him off before he can start drinking. All the houses here are built right up next to each other with no spaces in between, but sometimes theres still empty lots that you can cut through to get to the next street over. Usually, they turn into the neighborhood dump, full of all sorts of nasty rotting trash, dog crap, big nasty bones of who-knows-what animals, broken beer bottles, all that sort of stuff. Well, we´re haulin tail through one of these nasty empty lots of garbage, and, of course, my shoe catches on a rock and I eat it, hard, right in the middle of all that supernasty crap. I didn't stay down or think about it, haha, I just kept running as blood streams down my legs from my knees because we needed to catch Walter! A couple streets over we finally stop so Hermana Broadbent can grab her hand sanitizer, smear both my diseased knees in it, and we keep looking! We saw 3 drunks laying down in the soccer field by where we and recognize one as the homeless guy that we gave a blanket and a bunch of food to the other night, so we know we´ve got the "in" haha. We go over to them and ask if they know Walter, and where he had gone. In super slurred spanish, they told us he was in the cantina down the callejon (kai-ay-hone aka dirt road/ally) just down the road. So we run over and go down this super sketchy dirt ally but its deserted. There's just a few creepy cinderblock houses. Behind one of the doors we could hear weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth, (I think a possessed lady was inside) so we went back to our drunk homeless friends, and demanded again where walter was. The one we had fed the other night sits up, and with lots of arm flailing directing us back down to to the ally, yells ¨MADRE, LA CALLEJON!!¨ (hahaha) Then his not quite as wasted friends inform us that you have to knock on the black door, and inside is where the secret cantina is. We asked him if it would be dangerous for us, to which he responded no, not if we were just looking for someone. "Well is it dangerous sometimes?" we asked, and all he said after thinking for a minute was, "mmmm, sometimes." So after a quick prayer, we went back down the ally and knocked on the black door (next to the door with the possessed lady inside) and it opened into a cement courtyard littered with wasted men, passed out on the ground or arm in arm, sharing woes and cigarretes. And there was Walter, looking extremely guilty and red-eyed. Hermana Broadbent saw him and simply said, Walter, VENGA! he stood up, head hanging, and trudged out to us. Unfortunately, he was already wasted, but we took him home and now we know his secret hideout haha. And yesterday as we sat down in church, Walter was already there, slightly sobered up, smiling and waving at us! He went straight to the cantina after church haha, but at least he put church first :)! Poor guy though, he´s awesome when he´s sober, he is just super lonely and super super addicted. He's probably gonna die soon, even though hes only 38. I don't think his body can keep going like that much longer, and he's super sick. I think that story is a direct fulfillment of the promise in my setting apart blessing, "you will be able to walk where others will not, as you walk with the intent to do good." 
So that was our crazy adventure this week, and here, really fast, are the amazing miracles...
At church yesterday, Nivia came! Even though she worked a solid 24 hour shift right before all the way out in Huehue over an hour away!!! And Jose came, the little old man who's getting baptized this week! And then 2 other investigators came on their own! And then 3 less active families came including one who was one of Hermana Broadbent and her companion before me baptisms who has been missing for a couple months! She came with all her kids and payed her tithing!!! It was a miracle. Then, last night, we finally met with familia Aguilar (the family who told us they didn't want to meet with us anymore, they were going to be Catholics), and, long story short, they´re coming to church this next week and we have another cita with them this week and they´re super positive again!!! It was amazing!
A few other quick things that happened: I was attacked by a parrot. Nivia wants to be baptized! I tripped again yesterday and landed on the same knee that is all scraped up from the junkyard.... and we met this guy who has the most twisted ideas of religion I´ve ever heard. He was totally blinded by Satan, it was kind of sad. Anyhow, that's been my crazy week :)! Sorry there wasn't more time to do pictures or write people individually but I'm already over on time. I love you all! Have a great week!!! 

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