
Week 2

  Hola! Bet you can't guess what that means...haha. So I'm really starting to understand the whole "frumpy" sister missionary thing. There is no time to get ready and look normal, let alone actually look nice. Every day after gym the debate is always whether to have smelly sweaty hair, or look like a wet dog for a while. It depends on the day what I decide.
   Here's a glimpse of my schedule. I'm up at 6:30, at the very latest, and in class by 7 for personal study. Breakfast at 8, then class for 3 hours or so where we learn the lessons in English usually, but sometimes in Spanish too. Then we have lunch around 12:15, gym after lunch (which is terrible because I usually feel sick and the gym is closed to refinish the floor so we have to go outside in the heat). My knee is doing a lot better but I still can't run more than a couple of minutes without it aching pretty bad. With the gym closed I can't use the cycling machine so It's hard for me to get a good workout. Anyways, after gym we run back to our room where I debate whether to do my hair or not, then sprint over to class for TALL lab, which is a language learning on the computer.  Then we have class for another 3 hours (one of which is usually companion study) and language study for an hour. Dinner is some time in there too. We finish at 9, plan for the next day till 9:30, then run back to our rooms to be ready for bed by 10:15, then journal for 15 minutes and lights out by 10:30! There is not any free time during the day unless you count getting ready for bed, but that is the fastest hour of all 24. It's weird, up until the first Sunday, the days felt like they dragged on for hours and hours. But now it's Friday and Monday feels like it was yesterday.
   I can't tell you how excited I am to get to Guatemala! I learned a new word from a Guatemalan Elder yesterday. It's "puchica". He said it is a good word when you get surprised or as a swear word replacement. Here are a few entertaining Spanish mistakes I have made so far:

   *We can be forgiven of our "pescados" (fish) instead of "pecados" (sins)
   *Embarazado is not the translation for embarrassed! It means pregnant...
   *Ropa does not mean rope. It means clothing. One Elder told some investigators that he climbs mountains "sin ropa" (without clothing). Needless to say they were quite impressed!
   I love my companion and my whole district and I'll be sad to leave next week, but I am so excited for how much I am going to learn in Guatemala. I hope everyone there is doing well. Thanks for all your love and support. I love you!

Hermana Kailey Battaglia

Just so you know, my mailbox number changed to #358 in case you want to write me on Dear Elder.com or send me a package! (I leave the MTC July 19th so don't send anything here after the 18th.)

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