
On my way to Quetzaltenengo!

Tomorrow morning we are on our way to get dropped off in our first area's.  It is about a 4 hour drive to Retahulehu where we will drop off an Elder who is also going out early and then another hour to Xela (local word for Quetzaltenengo) where I will be! I am so excited I can´t even explain it!
The Spanish and Portuguese are pretty crossed in my head... I'm scared that I am going to lose all my Portuguese! I can't speak in it anymore! I still mix random Portuguese words into my Spanish but I can't think in Portuguese anymore. It's all just a jumbled mess in my brain. I´m sure the Lord will help me remember it when I get back though.
I´m sorry I haven't been able to write each person yet. Our Pdays in the CCM have been crammed with stuff and we haven't really had a good amount of time for letters.
I miss our late night talks about the gospel. I think about them a lot because so much of the things we discussed are things that I´m trying to learn now to teach in Spanish. Things like what it means to repent and how we can endure to the end.
My companion left for nicaragua today! I love her and miss her but she is going to do so good! I'm so excited to go but I'm terrified at the same time!! I love the people. I've barely met any of them but I love them. I'm so scared that I'm not going to be able to help them the way they need but I guess that's where relying on the Lord comes in.
I gotta run but I love you all!

Hermana Battaglia.   

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