

Its been another crazy week at the CCM!  Sunday 3 of the 6 sisters in my room were bedridden with weird stomach stuff, then that night me and my companion came down with it too. Several of the sisters in our hall had it... i think that around 10 or 15 of all the girls have been sick in the past 5 days... and theres only about 25 total! Dinner conversation has all gone to the toilet...  Who knew!! Secretly I'm hoping that this is the rumored "boo" but i´m sure that one day that's going to hit and I´m going to laugh that I thought this could be anything close. Anyhow! I'm sure you all are excited to hear about the CCM bathroom traffic but I´m going to move on to other things for the sake of time and manners! 

So last week we got to go to the temple!! So so so beautiful i loved it so much! One of the highlights of the mission and I'm excited to go back today! 

Yesterday was the best day of all by far!! We got to go out proselyting!!!! We were supposed to go Monday but they let us go yesterday instead since we were sick. Me, Hermana Broadbent, and Hermana Willie were compañeras and man it was a blast! All the Nortes were supposed to be paired with their Latina companions but there aren't very many of those in our group so I got to be the Latina! It was really funny and pretty stressful because I'm the only one of the 3 of us who really spoke any Spanish so I ended up doing 90 percent of the talking and I kept drawing a blank! Luckily the people are so humble here that it didn't even matter! They were all willing to listen. I don't know if I´m just being a greenie or whatever but I think that most of the people we spoke to were soo ready for the gospel. They were hungry for it!! I can't wait to be out there next week when I actually get to follow up with people! Then teach them and see them change! It was so hard getting their contact information and then handing it over to some other missionaries who didn't hear how special each of them was! I'm praying that they dont get lost or dropped along the way.   

Pray for me as I head out! I can't wait to meet the Mission President and my senior compañera! I love you all! 
I love you!  

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