
September 26, 2011

I'm feeling much better this week and I'm so grateful! On monday we got to go exploring and went to this little city called Aguacatan where there's this sacred river that springs up out of the ground which was really cool! I didn't know rivers did that! It just pops right up out of the ground and the story goes that it's sacred because years ago all these people were fighting over it so it dried up. As soon as the people resolved their problems and made peace the water came back! So they named it after a Saint and made it sacred! Pretty legit!

As far as Angelina's baptism goes we have to push it back another week or two because her documents are in a different city and so the wedding stuff is taking a while. But her husband is all good with everything which is awesome! President Bautista promised we'd get an average of 2 a month or more so as long as we get 3 in October we'll still be good! It is a lot harder getting someone ready for baptism than I realized, but I know there are people here who are prepared and we're finding them! We have several prospects for this month so I'm confident we'll meet all our goals! Tomorrow we have interviews with President Bautista which will be good and I'm so excited for conference this weekend! I love reading the old conference talks and I'm ready for new counsel!

Fun story this week! We've been teaching this family, Marisela and David. We invited their next door neighbor Elsa who's a member to help us teach. She's an awesome return missionary and really nice. Well David and Elsa both tend to talk a lot and it ended up being an hour and a half long strange discussion between David and Elsa that we could hardly get two words in. It ended up with Elsa explaining that she got her testimony when she saw the silhoutte of God in her Doctrine and Covenants and yeah it was out of control. I love the members here haha but its dangerous inviting them to teach investigators sometimes...

I got my package on Tuesday which was record time according to my companion... I loved it! It was like Christmas!!! Thanks for all the letters and everything, it really made my week! Anyhow, sorry I'm out of time we're going to go make pupusas at the stake center. I hope everyone is good and I can't wait to hear updates on how things are going. I love you all!


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