
Don't Freak Out 11/21/11

So, I just got to my new area last night which has been interesting but way fun. I'm companions with my friend Hermana Broadbent from the MTC! We're both gringas and we both only have 4 months in the mission so it's definitely an adventure now! We don't really know what we're doing! We're both a bit stressed about being responsible for all these people when we still feel like we should be following our moms around here. 
I'm in Xela now which is way more city than where I was... but we're way close to the temple now!! We are only  like 10 minutes away and you can see it from our roof! We're serving in the temple open house pretty much everyday this week and have a million references because of the comment cards they fill out so we have tons of work to do!! One of the references is a man who when he walked into the temple he kissed the floor and said that 20 years ago he had a dream of that exact place! We have lots of way cool crazy stories like that. The work is gonna explode these next couple months!! 
Our new area is huge compared to where I was before so that's a little different, but it's flat now so there's no more hiking little mountains everyday.... =(  But we do have a sick volcano in our zone that we're gonna hike sometime soon!! This volcano has a sacred lake at the top where you'd think the lava is supposed to be and I hear it is just beautiful.
OH wanna hear a crazy story? But you can't freak out because we're all alive and totally safe and the spirit protected us! So two nights ago, our last night in La Viña, Hermana lucha and me were saying goodbye to people and then at like 7 we started walking home to go pack and everything. On the way as we're walking through this super sketchy area allll the power in huehue goes out. It's pitch black we can't see a thing. This has happened several times before so it's really no big deal. We never really get scared we just walk home and chill till the light comes back or go to sleep. Well this time was different. I don't normally freak out with that stuff but my heart started racing and Hermana Lucha was way scared too so we started running back to our house. Then the other sisters called us and asked where we were and they told us to get to the house asap and that they were going to be waiting for us since they were already close by. They're not the kind of sisters to freak out easily either but you could tell they were scared. So we tailed it and made it to the house in like 5 minutes and got inside quick. Then they told us that that morning they found out about a murder in their area where this 16 year old kid was found tortured to death. They're pretty sure it was something to do with drug deals. It's the second one in their area in the past couple weeks. Creepy huh? Then, about 5 minutes after we got in the house, we started hearing a ton of gunshots and cars accelerating super fast. I think there was a drug dealer war around the corner from our house haha. Cool huh?? So yeah, the other sisters slept over that night haha. But I'm not in that area now so no worries!! The spirit totally protected us! We had a few things we needed to do that normally we still would have done with the power out but we all felt waay strong promptings to get inside right away. So no worries ok? We have those Nephite warriors watching over us =)! I didnt really sleep that night though because the power came on at like 10:30 and then we had to pack and clean the house and when we finally finally went to bed at 4am we were sharing beds with the other sister's who stayed at our house.... so yeah that one caught up to me today haha. But its all good! 
We are in a little studio type one room apartment thats a lot cleaner than our house in huehue and we can get a lot more veggies here! Hermana Broadbent likes to go running and eat healthy and the members don't feed us here so now i can lose the weight I put on in La Viña haha. We finally figured out that the problems Hermana Lucha is having in her legs is because of the weight that she's put on in the mission so now shes on a diet! Haha, no more bread! 
I love you all so so much! Pray for us out here because we're like the blind leading the blind! I'll be praying for you every night. I love you all =)

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