
!2012! 1/2/2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! so this last week has had some ups and some downs... some pretty lame downs actually. i think it was tuesday night we called familia aguilar (the first family that we met with after the temple who was super positive) to try to set up another appointment with them cuz its been forever. they had gone out of town and then some random stuff had come up so none of our citas worked out. anyhow so we called luis to see when we could come by and he told us that 2 weeks ago his son had his 1st communion in the catholic church and that they had decided to re-activate themselves in the catholic church and that they didnt want to meet with us anymore. it totally caught me off-guard and i didnt know what to say. so me and broadbent have been praying and fasting about what we can do and we really feel that we need to go over there one more time, that satan has made it easy and comfortable to just go back to the catholic church, and we cant let them go that easily. we still dont know how or when to go back over, but we feel super strongly that we need to sometime in this next week or so. so we´ll see how that goes! another bummer this last week has been the fleas... i think the flea population in my bed has boomed. so we took everything to a members house to wash all the blankets and everything in her machine which seemed like it helped, but then a day later they were back with a vengeance. i think they´re in my clothes too. my stomach looks like i have chicken pox and my ankles are getting covered in bites and scabs. its super cute! haha the other night i was saying my prayer before i went to bed and i tried to have a corrie ten boom moment and tell heavenly father that i was grateful for the fleas, but i couldnt get myself to say it! it was such a blatant lie that i just couldnt get myself to haha i fail! my comp told me that maybe i could just be grateful that i have feet that can feel... haha so maybe i´ll just start there. so hna broadbent and i have a problem talking to people in the street... its really really hard for us haha i dunno why its just not in our comfort zone... but we´ve been so blessed lately with so much work with references and everything that we havent really needed too. but this last week with some of our studies and then again in my interview with pres bautista it just keeps coming back up that we need to make an effort to talk to everyone, even if we have a lot of investigators or work to do. so we´ve started to make a little bit more of an effort this week... kindof... haha mostly it started yesterday. we were walking back from church and there was a family walking in front of us and my comp nudged me so we caught up to them and started talking to them. Really quickly we found out that the wifes brother in the states is a member, that this family met with missionaries forever ago and really liked them, and we´ll be meeting with them this week!! i was shocked haha. but i think it was just heavenly father giving us a heads up that theres a lot more people ready here than just the ones we´re already working with. anyhow so last night we made a goal that we´re going to try to talk with everyone, we´re aiming for 10 people a day outside of our plans. and we made some good goals for this new year, but we´re just focusing on a week at a time. i´m going to work on my language study a lot more, i´ve just kinda been taking it for granted that i can understand everything and say most things that i need to, but i really need to take advantage of this time to try to perfect my spanish and really understand the grammar. one of my goals is to read the book of mormon in spanish at least twice this next year, at least 2 chapters a day. it takes a while when its in spanish though haha. oh so we kinda had a babylon moment the other night haha. so we had a cita way out in el trigal, which is out at one end of our area and it has kindof a sketchy road going out to it. so we had our cita at 6ish and then our meeting with our mission leader was out there too at 730. so our cita at 6 fell so we walked around in el trigal a little bit but its kinda sketchy but there wasnt time to go back to closer to our house and then do anything productive and then go all the way back out there at 730 so we decided to just go visit a member, clariza, who we love. she´s an RM and has helped us in lessons a bunch. so we went over there and she gave us food and we kiiinda ended up watching half of high school musical while we talked to her and ate haha my comp was in heaven it was so funny. and then our mission leader ended up not being home and we got followed by some creepy guy so we ran back to clarizas house and called all the members we knew with cars till we found a ride home. it was another adventure! but we´ve been protected and i always have my pepper spray in my hand at night haha. anyhow i hope all of you had a great new years eve and all that! i love you all and enjoy these next few months since its the end of the world and all that :) i cant wait to hear about ryans call! email me right away in case i get online this week for references or anything!!!
love you! kailey

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