
Chikabal 12/19/2011

Today was the funnest day ever! But i´m so skinkin exhausted!!! We hiked this volcano, Chikabal, and it was so gorgeous. but i´m extremely out of shape and it definitely kicked me in the butt haha. The whole thing really looked like something straight out of jurassic park it was so so cool. Really when i first got my mission call to guatemala, this is the kinda stuff that i imagined. unfortunately in the city you dont get to see it all that often haha but it was so amazing being able to see it at least today. it has been and i think will be the coolest pday i have on the mission. i´ll send you some pictures! basically we paid some guy to take almost our whole zone (22 of us) in the back of his pickup through all these dirt roads and little pueblos up to the base of this volcano where theres a trail head. Then we hiked up through gorgeous jungle to the rim of the volcano, then down into the inside of it where theres this beautiful clear blue lake (which is sacred, no touching if you dont want to get lynched or burned alive). We hiked all around the lake for a couple hours, then back out up this staircase of death. an elder counted he said there were about 600 stairs... i think there were more haha. then we hiked down all the roads and through the towns that the truck drove us through and now i´m half dead! but it was worth it! itll be the start to an awesome week... lots of fun christmas stuff! and i cant wait to talk to you all on sunday! i actually have to change my time though cuz church is only gonna be from noon to 1 instead of in the morning... so if you can i think we need to change it to 2. i hope thats ok! i cant wait!!! i still dont know about any of my packages haha i hope that they made it... i dunno how or when that family is going to deliver that other package? i really hope it comes this week so we can make that christmas stuff for people... ok so this past week has been fun and in some ways hard as all our weeks are haha. i sent you guys the letter that we sent pres bautista about all the work we{ve had lately. its been crazy. we actually were getting pretty stressed cuz theres sooo much to do and not enough hours in the day. and we were getting pretty nervous cuz pres told us at the beginning that we would probably only be together for one change and then we would train or something. that only leaves us 2 more weeks to work together with all these people, and then i think there would be a lot of people who wouldnt get taught like they need and i dunno we were just getting scared that the work wouldnt get done and followed through on like it needs. so we finally called president to tell him how things have been going, and he was way surprised and way excited about it all, thats why we had to write him that letter about our experiences. and he let us know that he{s not planning on changing us this next change!! i´m way stoked cuz i love being comps with broadbent, we have so much fun together and i feel like we teach way way well together. anyhow sorry this letter is kinda lame this time, i{m out of it and i spent a lot of time trying to figure out my pictures but they{re not uploading for some reason so i´ll put them up next week! k i cant wait for sunday! i hope everything is going well!!! and i hope and pray that you guys get a white christmas!!! i love you :)

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