
Jardines de Xelajú (har-deen-es de shay-la-who?) 11/28/2011

Hey everyone!
So this has been another way busy week! I think it's going to be pretty much typical for the next 13 months... Can you believe that I already hit 5 months tomorrow?! It's going by so fast! At least for me! It still feels like it should be summer back at home... but its already almost December!! And snowbird is already open!!! Ahhhh how i miss the snow! It's definitely cold enough here.... i did not pack warm enough at all! I think this week I´m going to have to buy a coat and some scarves and gloves... yeah it's that cold. And its not even the "cold months" yet!! In the mornings and nights it supposedly will regularly be below freezing! I just wish I had packed my nicer winter clothes!! Oh well, that's what pacas are for! 
Well this last week we worked in the temple open house everyday! I think they expected about 80,000 people to come through and last I heard we had already passed 125,000 so that's way cool! I got to meet Hermana Luchas family who came from El Salvador and her brother whos serving in Rehu where Travis Pugnet was! He came with his ward from there but it was lame because Hermana Lucha is in Quiche now which is far away so she didnt get to see them :( 
We've gotten so so many references though! In our area alone we have over 50 references and we still haven't even printed the ones from friday and saturday yet. It's been crazy and I have had to get really good at talking on the phone in Spanish really fast. It's actually been really funny trying to get peoples directions over the phone. I´ve gotten hung up on a few times... oops! But i´m getting better haha. 
Oh, so on Saturday we went in the afternoon to take an investigator to the temple open house. She's this way cute little old lady named Consuelo and I think she´s more interested in having people listen to her talk than learning about the gospel but we figured we´d give the temple a shot with her! So we took her on the bus and had a way cool time going through the temple. She loved it but I still dont think she´s willing to change... anyhow on the way to take her back home we were on the bus again and she was sitting in the front seat by the driver. Hermana Broadbent and I were in the back of the bus and all of a sudden the driver braked really fast and we heard a BAM! We looked out the front and the windshield was shattered on one side right in front of Consuelo. Yeah a drunk guy broke our windshield with his head. I don't know how but he was still standing! He was pretty out of it and to be honest I think he very well might not be alive now because either his brain got messed up or the bus driver probably went back and beat him up to get money to pay for the damage... (i heard him talking on the phone to someone about it...) so yeah that was an adventure! Dont get drunk and go walking busy streets in Guatemala is the moral of that story! 

I love you all! and thanks a ton dad for the emails i love them!
love you!

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